04/04/2024 by Kristin Ellingseter
Working conditions at Vestnes Fjordhotell
Recently, we have received inquiries regarding the lack of a collective agreement at the hotel, and therefore wish to clarify the situation.
As an NHO member company, we have always set the standard high when it comes to safeguarding our employees' rights. One of my first steps when I took over as general manager was to ensure that our wages were in line with the national agreement between NHO and Fellesforbundet for the period 2022-2024. It is important for us to give our employees the security they deserve when it comes to salaries, and we can guarantee salaries to our employees within this agreement.
In 2023, we wanted to formalize a collective agreement and contacted a lawyer. It was then brought to our attention that as an employer, we do not have the authority to enter into such an agreement without a trade union as a counterparty.
We wanted to encourage our employees to organize themselves, and therefore invited Fellesforbundet to convince the employees. This had the desired effect, and several of our employees chose to join the union. The process of establishing a formal collective agreement is therefore well under way, and together with Fellesforbundet we are in regular contact with NHO to speed up the process.
We would like to thank our employees for their commitment and look forward to a formal agreement being put in place.
Please feel free to contact us if you, or your company, have any further questions or feedback.